Deadliest Catch

Every Deadliest Catch Captain Ranked From Worst To Best

Crab fishing in Alaska has never been better than when it’s featured on Discovery’s “Deadliest Catch.”

First airing in 2005, the reality TV show follows a featured fleet of fishing vessels as they try to do battle with the elements — and each other — in order to get the best stock of crab possible. Though its concept might sound mundane, the show has often courted controversy, with sexual harassment claims, legal woes, and jail time all attached to various stars that have appeared throughout the years. For fans, “Deadliest Catch” has often veered between compelling drama, over-produced hype and the joys of watching everything in-between.

Captain Keith Colburn
As 2023 brings viewers the show’s nineteenth season, plenty of captains have been able to establish themselves as fan favorites. From newbie faces appearing in later seasons to those who have weathered the storms since its pilot episode, there’s been a captain to cater to every taste — and then some. But who fares the worst, and who is the best? Grab your waders and read on for a ranking of every “Deadliest Catch” captain.

19. Edgar Hansen

Edgar Hansen looks on
As Sig Hansen’s brother, viewers of “Deadliest Catch” might expect that Edgar Hansen is as well-loved as the big man. However, his tenure on the show has not been as prolific as he might have hoped.

Taking command of the F/V Northwestern from Season 9 through to Season 14, his time as captain saw him come to blows with the rest of his family, keeping secrets as well as being troubled by ongoing health issues. Being a Hansen, there’s a certain reputation to uphold on the open waters — and most of the time, Edgar Hansen kept his head down and carried on.

Rather than his time on “Deadliest Catch” being the issue, it was what came after that caused him to leave a bitter taste in the mouths of viewers. As Season 15 aired, Hansen had suddenly vanished from the fishing lineup, with no explanation given for his whereabouts. It was later revealed that he was charged with sexually assaulting a 16-year-old girl, which he pleaded guilty to in 2018. Hansen received a 364-day suspended jail sentence, along with court cost fines of over $1,600.

18. Josh Harris

Josh Harris talking
When it was announced that Josh Harris wouldn’t be returning for Season 19 of “Deadliest Catch,” fans were initially disheartened. Working with Johnathan Hillstrand on the F/V Time Bandit since Season 17, his father Phil was one of the OG captains on the show until his passing in 2010. Viewers naturally had a reason to root for the younger Harris, particularly given how beloved his father was during his run. The Harris men were known to be good fishers, but Harris Jr. simply didn’t inherit his father’s warm personality.

In 2022, it was announced that Harris had been fired from “Deadliest Catch” after reports of sexual assault allegations had been brought to light. These reports stemmed back to the late ’90s, including a previous arrest in 1999. Discovery was quick to drop him from the show, leaving viewers jolted. Since the news broke, it has made some feel that rewatching older seasons with the new knowledge has been difficult; others are unsure if Harris can ever recover from what he’s done.

17. Elliott Neese

Elliott sits on the ship
Unfortunately for “Deadliest Catch,” Hansen and Harris haven’t been the only captains thrust into the spotlight for all the wrong reasons.

Best known for chartering the F/V Saga from Season 9 to Season 11, Elliott Neese initially left the open waters behind to focus more on his personal life. This caused some initial confusion for fans, but was later backed up by Neese’s 2017 tweet stating that he “had issues.” These were revealed to be ongoing issues with addiction, with Neese seeking out rehab support while stepping back from his duties.

If that wasn’t enough for Neese to deal with, he later had legal issues of his own. In 2022, he was sentenced to prison for dealing heroin, which eventually led to signing a plea bargain — though his legal troubles weren’t over. After issues with custody, Neese was sentenced to 30 months in jail. It’s safe to say that fans weren’t too fond of Neese during his time on “Deadliest Catch” as it was, with some viewers stating that his hushed-up incarceration came as little surprise.

16. Jack Bunnell

Unlike some of the other captains, Jack Bunnell doesn’t have any negatives going for him. As the new kid on the “Deadliest Catch” block, he’s only recently been given his official captain status on the show.

Jack looks ahead
Though he made his debut as an up-and-coming deckhand aboard Jake Anderson’s F/V Saga, Season 19 reintroduces Bunnell as the rookie captain of the F/V Barbara J. Though viewers are still finding out about him, it’s already been made clear that fishing runs in his blood, with Bunnell being a third-generation fisherman. In an interview with the Seattle Times, Bunnel stated: “That’s where I have my goal set. But if there’s no crab to catch, then I will never be a skipper” when asked about decreasing snow crab numbers.

Even though his time on the show has been sparse, Bunnell hasn’t avoided onscreen controversy. Season 19 episodes have already shown that grudges are being held between Bunnell and Anderson, with a brisk radio exchange hinting that the pair aren’t particularly fond of each other. With fans having liked Anderson for such a long time, Bunnell’s rivalry could hurt him.

15. Steve Harley Davidson

Harley looks on
Though he has chartered different fishing vessels on the show, Steve “Harley” Davidson acts as the co-captain for the F/V Barbara J alongside Jack Bunnell. Davidson was first seen on “Deadliest Catch” back in Season 15, spearheading the crew for the F/V Southern Wind. Though the boat is no longer featured on the show, Davidson’s cutthroat and aggressive nature has remained a firm part of the drama.

He wasn’t one to shy away from immediate controversy either, with reports surfacing that bad blood between Davidson and fellow captain Keith Colburn had been well-known throughout the years. During an episode [via Pop Culture], Colburn was recorded as saying: “There’s history between me and Harley, and it goes back a decade… He basically spot-checked some of my pots and then turned around and immediately set right down my string.”

Being labeled as a crab thief isn’t a great way to start your time on “Deadliest Catch” — especially when your rival captains start to trick you into fishing in areas that you probably shouldn’t. Though Colburn was quick to get his revenge in this way, some viewers don’t think that Davidson has his hands completely clean either, branding him unethical in his approach. Making great TV often needs a villain, and fans understand that Davidson might have been perfectly cast for the part all along.

14. Roger Strong

Roger gets a health check
While many captains come and go on “Deadliest Catch,” it doesn’t mean that their entire lives revolve around fishing. This is the case for original F/V saga captain Roger Strong, who made his brief outing during the show’s pilot episode and first season.

It quickly became clear that fishing wasn’t the only passion that Strong had in his professional life, with his life as a climber taking over from his time on the water. The two remain linked, with Strong saying he first learned to climb on fishing boats before taking on bigger and better challenges. Nowadays, Strong is better known as being a mixed climber, alternating between scaling rocks and icy facades.

When it comes to “Deadliest Catch,” Strong is of the opinion that the first season remains the best. Speaking to Sierra Sun, he explained: “The first season was a pretty good portrayal when the fishery was still open access. Once it went to IFQs (individual fishing quota) that’s when it really went downhill.” He goes on to say that he regards the show as “pretty pathetic,” hinting that all wasn’t as it seemed behind the cameras. “I basically pulled the plug as I didn’t want them aboard making a mockery of what me and my crew did for a living — not acting,” he explained.

13. Monte Mouse Colburn

Monte looking terrified
It’s not uncommon for the captains of “Deadliest Catch” to follow in the footsteps of their family members, and that is true for Monte “Mouse” Colburn.

Starring alongside his older brother Keith, Colburn is seen chartering the F/V Wizard in Seasons 10, 14, 15, 16, and 19. Initially brought in to give Keith a helping hand, Colburn soon adapted to life in front of the cameras. He sometimes got the cozier end of the deal, often seen swaddled up in a warm cabin while his crew did the dirty work, facing all kinds of weather conditions. He’s also known to face hairy situations head-on, once battling dangerous ice floes in order to get some crab.

Among fans of “Deadliest Catch,” the jury is still out on what to make of Colburn. While some viewers recognize that his scenes might have been engineered by producers, others say that there’s no masking how badly he can come across onscreen. Despite his relationship with his brother hitting some pretty rocky patches, his dedication to the fishing boat can’t be questioned. Not only has he rebuilt the Wizard’s engine by hand, but he also takes big risks in the name of fishing, having previously received a fine for fishing out of bounds.

12. Rick Shelford

Rick on the phone

When it comes to fishing experience, Rick Shelford is up there with the best of them. Although he’s a rookie in terms of appearing on “Deadliest Catch,” Shelford’s experience on fishing vessels started back in the late ’80s. Making his first appearance on the show in Season 19, Shelford joins Sean Dwyer as a fellow captain on the F/V Aleutian Lady. He’s already been thrown into the deep end, having received an emotional call from home while out on the water in Episode 7. Shelford’s emotional honesty on the show makes for a refreshing change from the fishing rivalries and pent-up anger, showing he is truly a man that puts family first.

It’s still early days for Shelford’s time on “Deadliest Catch,” meaning that viewers could expect anything from him in episodes to come. Some fans have commented that his reckless methods could potentially lead to something fatal, while others imply that he’s settling into a pattern already well-established on the show. That being said, more than 30 years of experience has to count for something.

11. Mandy Hansen

Mandy has an accident
The third Hansen family member to be featured on the show, Mandy is no stranger to fans of “Deadliest Catch.” As the daughter of Sig, she became one of the youngest women to fish on the Bering Sea when she was working with the F/V Northwestern crew at just 18 years old.

Mandy has been on the show since Season 14, though she has previously remarked that her father wasn’t initially thrilled at her choice of career. Speaking to People Magazine in 2022, Hansen said: “I did not want her on the boat. I’ve lost so many friends… you can’t even comprehend. You’re out there risking your life.”

That being said, the younger Hansen has proved that she’s a worthwhile crew member to have on board. Though some viewers have suggested that her fishing career would benefit from spending time on another boat, others credit Sig for enabling her to share the family experiences out on the open water. She might have her whole career ahead of her — but if “Deadliest Catch” has taught viewers anything, it’s that she’s off to a promising start.

10. Sophia Bob Nielsen

Sophia tidies her bedroom
Season 19 of “Deadliest Catch” has been full of new faces — and one that has already made a promising name for herself is Sophia Nielsen. Working on the F/V Saga with Jake Anderson, the 23-year-old has become one of the central storylines for the latest season, working hard to soak up any knowledge she can from her experienced co-captain.

Like fellow captains such as Jack Bunnell, Nielsen is a third-generation fisher, taking over from her father’s profession after his passing. “Unfortunately, I never worked with my father on the boats when he was alive,” she said recently. “It took for him to pass away for me to finally jump on the boats.”

Even before Season 19 of “Deadliest Catch” officially began airing, fans showed their interest in Nielsen’s storyline and professional progression. This has helped marked a turning point for female captains, as more women are appearing on the show than ever before, to the approval of some fans.

9. Andy Hillstrand

Andy with his crew
Another “Deadliest Catch” captain that dipped ahead of his time was Andy Hillstrand. Chartering the F/V Time Bandit alongside his brother Johnathan, Hillstrand has intermittently appeared on the show since Season 2. Though he unexpectedly took an extended break after Season 13, he rejoined the Season 19 cast at the beginning of 2023.

“It was a lot about our rights to do our own brand,” he said of his departure in 2020. “There was a lot of misunderstanding… we thought Discovery had everything they needed but then they came back and said they needed pickup shots so our schedule was pretty much screwed. It got to the point in our relationship where something had to change and we just said enough’s enough. So we butted heads for a while.”

When Hillstrand wasn’t on screens on “Deadliest Catch,” his presence was missed by viewers. Initially, fans were led to believe that Hillstrand parted ways from the show because he wanted to retire, settling down somewhere by his horse ranch in Indiana. With his later appearance on Season 19, full retirement obviously hasn’t happened just yet, though some fans have coined the phrase “Hillstrands empire” to encompass his many side endeavors.

8. Keith Colburn

Keith talks to his crew

COVID-19 might have threatened to take him down in 2021, but Season 19 saw the return of famed “Deadliest Catch” captain Keith Colburn. Initially starting out in number 3, he’s appeared in nearly every season since. Not only has his regular appearance on camera put him in the path of plenty of dangerous fishing expeditions, but he’s also struck up a few rivalries along the way.

Colburn’s feud with Steve Davidson is well-documented, while the latest season has shown him to be continually frustrated with crew member Jacob Hutchins. Known as “The Crab Wizard,” the F/V Wizard hasn’t been without his guidance since 1988.

With Colburn’s often confrontational style comes a bad rap, and it’s taken viewers some time to distinguish the differences in his personality. Viewers are aware that Colburn is one of the best fishers on the show, and know he’s a cast member often stitched up by others during filming of “Deadliest Catch.” Fans expect him to come out on top and he often does — usually because he’s willing to hold others accountable for their actions.

7. Wild Bill Wichrowski

Wild Bill talks
First joining the “Deadliest Catch” team back in Season 6, “Wild” Bill Wichrowski frequently lives up to his name. Chartering the F/V Summer Bay, he’s a US Navy veteran turned commercial fisher. Known for his long locks and stern gaze, Wichrowski upped the ante back in Season 17 thanks to his most challenging fishing season yet. Speaking exclusively to Looper, he stated that the COVID-19 pandemic hugely affected his crew’s work. “You couldn’t move around freely, vendors were shut down. Half the fleet didn’t even go… Everything was so difficult, just to get off the ground and get out of town.”

Known to work his crew hard to get results, Wichrowski is a captain that has grown on viewers over time. Being an out-and-out favorite for some, his lack of screen time as the years go by is something viewers have picked up on. When he is featured on an episode of “Deadliest Catch,” he puts his camera time to good use — giving fans epic montages of him outwardly furious and dabbling in some creative swearing.

6. Linda Greenlaw

Linda talks to the camera
Wichrowski’s co-captain on the F/V Summer Bay is Linda Greenlaw, who has a professional history to rival the rest of the “Deadliest Catch” captains put together.

She remains the only woman to ever serve as a swordfishing boat captain on the East Coast and is best known for warning fellow crew members about the Andrea Gail, which sank during a dangerous storm in 1991. It comes as little surprise that the show’s creators wanted her on board, joining the team at the start of Season 19. Viewers that have stopped watching in seasons gone by have made it clear that they’ve returned to the show just for Greenlaw’s booking, being particularly excited for the bountiful fishing tales she has to tell.

Though she’s since become a best-selling author, “Deadliest Catch” has put her back on the map for doing what she does best.

“Transitioning to the crab fishery was not too difficult for me,” she said recently. “I have been involved in the offshore red cred fishery here in New England and have been fishing fixed gear on and off since I was a kid. The difference was primarily hauling single, massive pots as opposed to trawls of smaller traps.”

5. Sean Dwyer

Sean talks to his crew
When fans found out Dwyer was scaling back his appearances during Season 19, there was an immediate outcry. Having first appeared on the show back in Season 12, the young captain has come a long way since his TV debut at 23 years old.

Another fisher who had his craft handed down to him through generations of his family, Dwyer has spoken candidly about his experiences on the open water.

“If I can be half as good [as my father],” he said in 2015, “I think I’ll be pretty good,”

Dwyer’s father was diagnosed with ALS in 2005. Though he also remarks that his father “didn’t stop until the last minute,” the first reports of Dwyer leaving the show were made in 2020.

For viewers, there was a feeling that “Deadliest Catch” was about to become a little less worth watching. Some fans have stated that Dwyer is among their favorite captains ever to appear on the show, appreciating both his personality and his professional growth since he first started out. His leadership abilities have also been frequently praised, though the fact that this might not make for good TV could explain why viewers are seeing increasingly less of him.

4. Jake Anderson

Jake has an argument

Though typically the best captains on “Deadliest Catch” should be fan favorites, Jake Anderson is a captain with which viewers have a powerful love/hate relationship.

Spearheading the F/V Saga since Season 11, Anderson has gained a reputation for ruffling his cast members’ feathers. Back in 2017, Anderson took on the show’s top dog (and former mentor) Sig Hansen after his crab haul wasn’t considered to be good enough. He’s also been known to get heated with his deckhands, shouting at his most recent acquisition despite a longstanding friendship that predates their time working together.

From the point of view of fans, Anderson can be a captain that often acts above his station. At the same time, many hold a soft spot for him, knowing since his time on “Deadliest Catch” began, he’s been living his life on the straight and narrow. Watching him grow into his role is something longtime viewers of the show have found incredibly satisfying, with Anderson making it known that he’s actively working through some significant past trauma.

3. Johnathan Hillstrand

Originally appearing in Season 2, Jonathan Hillstrand is a captain that has chartered multiple vessels during his time on “Deadliest Catch.” Brought in to work on the F/V Time Bandit with the likes of Josh Harris and his brother Andy, Hillstrand has also chartered the F/V Saga alongside Jake Anderson during Season 16.

Johnathan rides a bike
Hillstrand’s social media posts show he’s a lot of fun, not taking himself too seriously when he’s away from the open water. He’s also been listed as one of the best captains of all time on various Reddit threads, with some users alluding to the fact that his softer touch reminds them of a gentle father figure.

In the context of the “Deadliest Catch” drama, being one of the nicest captains sometimes works against him. Some viewers have spoken about their infuriation when Hillstrand allows others to take advantage of him, having previously gone out of his way to help Casey and Josh even though they easily had means of help at their disposal. Hillstrand might have a good reputation, but it doesn’t stop him from offering drama in the form of an occasional bust-up.

2. Phil Harris

Though he’s no longer on the show, the second highest-rated captain ever to appear on “Deadliest Catch” continues to be Phil Harris. Before his untimely death in 2010, Harris captained the F/V Cornelia Marie from Season 2 through to Season 6.

Phil talks to camera
Fans have since made it clear that his presence is greatly missed from the show, citing a unique balance of knowledge for his craft and a warm, personable demeanor. The same sentiment was felt by those closest to him, with a profile in People Magazine quoting friends who said he “accomplished what he needed to get done so he could be at peace.”

The cause of his death, tragically, was caught on camera during Season 6. While offloading a crab catch on Saint Paul Island in Alaska, Harris suffered a stroke. He was admitted to a hospital where he fell into a coma, passing away a few days later. Discovery aired the events of his death during the season, followed by a tribute episode dedicated to Harris — which still has a powerful effect on fans.

1. Sig Hansen

When it comes to all 19 seasons of “Deadliest Catch,” there’s only one OG and G.O.A.T — and that’s Sig Hansen.

Sig talks on radio

Captaining the F/V Northwestern since the show’s pilot episode, it’s no surprise that fans have often voted for him to be the captain of all time. His experience of fishing on camera is now so vast that he’s become a technical advisor for the 2022 spinoff show “Deadliest Catch: The Viking Returns.” Now co-captaining a ship with his daughter Mandy, it’s safe to say that the world of “Deadliest Catch” has become a Hansen family affair.

Though fans are sometimes concerned about his health, Hansen remains the most popular vote for being the captain viewers would most like to work under. His reliability, mentorship skills, and prioritization of safety are all strengths, alongside his boat being one of the most consistently high-earning vessels on the series. Beyond that, Hansen isn’t afraid to show his vulnerable side; clearly, he misses his former co-star Phil Harris. When it comes to “Deadliest Catch,” Hansen is the all-around good guy — and it’s paid off.

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