Gold Rush

Rick Ness Calls In A Favour With His Old Boss Parker | Gold Rush

In a surprising turn of events on Gold Rush, Rick Ness, facing a challenging season, turns to his former boss, Parker Schnabel, for a crucial favor.

Rick Ness, once a trusted foreman for Parker Schnabel, is now running his own mining operation. However, with crew shortages and outdated equipment threatening his season, Rick finds himself under immense pressure. After losing key team members, Rick is left with only one inexperienced crew member, Morgan Lauren, who struggles to operate an old rented loader. The equipment’s limitations and a sudden flat tire force Rick to confront the reality that he needs better machinery to keep his operation running.


Desperate for a solution, Rick decides to reach out to Parker Schnabel, despite their rocky history. The two haven’t spoken in years after Rick left Parker’s crew to strike out on his own, leading to tension between them. As Rick heads to Parker’s claim, he’s unsure what to expect, acknowledging their past conflicts but hopeful that Parker might be willing to help.

When the two finally meet, there’s a sense of unease but also familiarity. Parker greets Rick warmly, acknowledging their shared history and Rick’s resilience in the tough world of gold mining. Parker, who recently purchased a new mine along with $2 million worth of equipment, offers Rick the use of a loader, telling him to take it and they can sort out the details later.

Rick is visibly relieved and grateful for Parker’s generosity, expressing his appreciation for the help. Despite their differences, Rick acknowledges that his time working for Parker taught him invaluable lessons, and he’s eager to prove himself once more.

Parker, on the other hand, reflects on Rick’s comment about having given his best years to their previous work. Parker is concerned that Rick might feel his best days are behind him, but he hopes Rick can regain his confidence and find success again.

The encounter between Rick and Parker highlights the complex dynamics of their relationship, marked by both conflict and mutual respect. As Rick prepares to move forward with Parker’s help, viewers are left to wonder whether this renewed partnership will help Rick turn his season around or if the challenges ahead will prove too great.

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