Deadliest Catch

“Freddy Almost D*ed”: What Happened To The Deadliest Catch Star?

Often remembered as one of the most bombastic figures in the history of Deadliest Catch, deckhand Freddy nearly died during the show’s production. Debuting in 2005, the Discovery Channel reality series chronicles the working lives of Alaskan crab fishing crews as they face the deadly perils of the Bering Sea to find fortune or disaster. The series was an instant hit for its unflinching look at the profession, and the gritty danger not seen in most reality TV shows. Over the course of its nearly two decades on the air, the series has seen its fair share of memorable personalities who help make the show all the more engaging.

Freddy looks on in Deadliest Catch

Freddy Maugatai first joined the show in 2008, and made an instant impression with his larger-than-life persona and fiery temper. He was also known to take risks, and in a profession as dangerous as Alaskan crab fishing, risks could be deadly. Personalities like Freddy have helped make Deadliest Catch one of the longest-running reality shows in history, and its open-ended premise could theoretically stretch on forever. Despite debuting in the early aughts, Deadliest Catch has remained relevant because it allows viewers to live vicariously through its main characters who put their lives on the line for a culinary delicacy.

Freddy Almost Died On Deadliest Catch

Freddy jumps in the water in Deadliest Catch
Even though the day-to-day life of an Alaskan fishing crew is filled with mortal peril, Freddy often upped the ante with his dangerous daredevil behavior. Freddy nearly died during season 9, episode 15, “Man Overboard” when the risk-taking salt jumped overboard to secure a walrus carcass that the crew was having a difficult time tethering. While the show certainly played up how unwise Freddy’s decision was, Reality TitBit reported that his actions could have been fatal. The low temperatures of the Bering Sea are dangerous in even small doses, and he could have suffered from hypothermia after only a minute of exposure.

Freddy Was Fired – But Is Back On The Show

Freddy poses with two deckhands in Deadliest Catch
Thankfully for long-time fans of the show, Freddy survived his harrowing ordeal and went on to thrill viewers with his work ethic, and life on the edge. Though he was a strong worker, the long-time veteran of the fishing boat The Wizard was actually fired during the show’s 11th season for disobeying an order from Captain Monte when he remained at a bar instead of returning to the ship (via GH Gossip). The popular character then went to fish for the Time Bandit for several years, before eventually coming back on The Wizard after hashing things out with the captain.

Season 14 of the series saw Freddy return to The Wizard as an on-again-off-again crew member, though he often clashed with the younger deckhands. Freddy was absent from the show’s 16th season, but return in season 17 as a crew member for both the Time Bandit and The Wizard. Finally, after years of appearing as a fan-favorite deckhand on Deadliest Catch, Freddy was promoted to Deck Boss on The Time Bandit in season 18, and he returned for the 19th season in the same role as a wiser and more mature veteran of the Bering Sea.


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