Gold Rush

‘Gold Rush’ Will Mitch Blaschke Go Into Mining For Himself?

Mitch Blaschke plays a vital role in Parker Schnabel’s team on Discovery channel’s Gold Rush. The mechanically minded 34-year-old is quick to spot and analyze problems, and then figure out ways to fix them. Sometimes, it requires quick thinking and a lot of pressure using heavy machinery. Now, fans wonder if he should go mining for himself.

Parker Schnabel Reems To respect Mitch Blaschke

Parker Schnabel seems like the kind of person to look after his valuable crew members. As his right-hand man, probably, Mitch earns good take-home pay for his time working on the mining operation. And so he should. After all, sometimes it seems as if Parker asks for the impossible from him. Still, he steps up and does a good job, and the entire operation benefits from it.

Mining Machinery Is Mitch's Love - Mitch Blaschke Instagram

Mitch Blaschke has no problem working with any skilled employees. In fact, cooperation between himself, Pascale Castonguay-Lambert, and Tatiana Costa helped with the sluice problem. It’s a hard job, and there are setbacks. However, reliable Mitch is always willing to go in and get the job done. So, some Discovery fans wonder why he doesn’t go on his own and make more money.

Will The Gold Rush Star Go Mining For HImself?

On Reddit, Discovery Channel viewers talked about the possibility that Parker’s right-hand man might go it alone one day. The OP said that he’s learned plenty of things about mining.

Gold Rush Star Mitch Blaschke - Instagram

I hope Pa[r]ker understands what a great asset he has with Mitch. The guy was originally a mechanic and he seems like he can fix anything, but he’s a darn good operator as well. He seems to have learned so much as a miner. … I am wondering if it ever runs through his head to do like Rick did and start off on his own. I think a lot of experienced guys like Tyson and Brennan would join him and make a great team.

In the comments, most people seemed against the idea of Mitch Blaschke going into mining for himself. Bear in mind, that many Gold Rush viewers have experience in mining as well. So, their opinions count.

Gold Rush Fans Comment On Mitch

Some people talked about Brennan Ruault who jumped across to Rick Ness. That didn’t seem to be a good decision. Meanwhile, others talked about the financial stress of going it alone.

  • I have no doubt that Mitch could go on his own and be successful. I don’t think he wants to and I don’t think he would enjoy running his own operation. Mitch is a guy who likes working, getting stuff done, identifying the problem and solving it. I think that is what he gets his satisfaction from.
  • Mitch seems to be extremely well compensated. I’m not sure if it’s twitter or insta he is on but he has multiple pricey race cars, a classic muscle car that isn’t cheap and seems to live a good life. He may eventually go out on his own but would likely take a pay cut for a few years at minimum.
  • I’m sure Parker compensates him over and beyond, as a business owner you eventually learn to take care of the people who are the best to make sure they don’t leave.

What are your thoughts about Mitch Blaschke? Do you think he might just stick with what he’s got? He earns a good income without the need to do all the other compliance things. Neither does he have to negotiate any terms of mining contracts. Sound off in the comments below, and come back here often for all your Gold Rush news.

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